Friday, November 04, 2011

A Late Summer Pause In Windsor

Joanie looked through the gates leading to the main entrance to
the castle. That's as far as she got.

Holly and Katie made themselves at home on the warm grass.

Not a bad little place to throw some Frisbee.
This is us beating a hasty retreat before it rains on us again.
 It was right here before the gates of Windsor Castle that we all found a place to rest, to lie down, to play for a bit before we went home. It had been raining, we ducked into stores to get out of it. But then there was a pause, a clearing in the skies, and then the day blossomed into lush summer that we had scarcely experienced up to then. 

Joanie and I walked further down the lane leading to the gates of the castle to see where it met the public roads. When we got back, the girls were in the mood to play Frisbee.

Then the clouds moved in again, and we figured it was time to be prudent. 

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