Pastors and missionaries fellowship on the dock like it was a contact sport
Joanie and I had not been to the conference in four years. It seemed necessary to go this year and plug back in to the fellowship of missionaries. For me the conference was life and death. The messages were speaking to me about my discouragement and the direction of my ministry. I had been considering a change from London. I was also feeling like a failure in the ministry.
The Lord gave me assurance that I was not a failure, and that I was to stay where I was. The most encouraging word is that He is with me. Every day I come back to this most amazing promise and take in more nourishment and strength. I have also been challenged to pray more and seek the Lord.
About three-quarters of the way through I realized I had on me the completed booklet Maintaining The Missionary Lifeline in pdf format. I offered it to the missionaries and about 10 or 15 gave me their email addresses so I could send it to them. If anyone reading this wants a copy, go to the email form on and request it. I'll be happy to send you one.